Key Ideas

We are standing up for our profession so we can continue to give the following to Edina students and families:

This is a top-ranked school district with highly educated, skilled teachers.

Students outperform their peers across the state and the nation while in the district, and continue to excel in college and beyond.

Over 80% of teachers hold a master's degree or above. In a recent survey, 91% of survey respondents ranked Edina teachers positively.

This is what it costs to maintain an excellent school district, to keep attracting and retaining excellent teachers for our students, to keep enrollment growing by attracting students and families to our district, and to help keep property values high.

We seek a salary schedule improvement that matches salary increases for district administrators, principals and others. We seek equitable pay and access to benefits for all licensed teachers in the district.

When the district is trying to attract and retain experienced, quality teachers, these potential new teachers look at the salary schedule as a key determiner of job acceptance. Salary schedule increases are the clearest point of comparison for compensation of teachers v. principal and superintendent. We are competing with quality districts right next door, districts that pay their teachers well.

Edina is one of the few metro districts, especially first-ring suburbs, to see continued increased enrollment. Our district turns away open enrollment students. Property values in Edina are the only property values in the metro area to have increased in the past year. All of these facts mean increased revenue for our district.

Other districts (competitors such as Wayzata and Minnetonka) have managed fair, reasonable settlements in these “tough economic times.”

Edina kids and teachers are worth the investment.

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